Primaluna amp with Sonus Faber?

So I am planning my next major upgrade and while I originally wanted McIntosh 601s for my Sonus Faber Guarneri mementos I am looking in other directions.

Anyone have thoughts on the Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP amp paired with above speakers?

I want separate amp and preamp so that is why I am not touching the integrate primaluna. As far as preamps go, I am still considering McIntosh, the C52, but may also look at other options.

Room size is medium-large most likely (try to guess on size as I will be moving in a year or so anyway). All opinions and thoughts appreciated!
@georgehifi That is interesting. 

Can you explain in a in a little more detail. Does the primaluna amp have issues with high impendance loads?
I would agree with George, the solid state Mac will work much better.  A tube amp delivers more power at a higher impedance.  The impedance curve of your speakers indicates your speakers will have a louder output basically from 700 to 7000 Hz.  A solid state amp delivers the power equally across the frequency spectrum.  For a linear sound with a tube amp, you need a speaker with a smooth impedance curve without any bumps or dips.

runninkyle17 OP1 posts@georgehifi That is interesting.

Can you explain in a in a little more detail. Does the primaluna amp have issues with high impendance loads?

In a way this one does into high impedance also, as this graph shows it has a sharp rising frequency response peak from 10khz to 50khz into 8ohms, 4ohms and also the simulated speaker loads, the only time this is flattened out is into the green 2ohms load???

"Stereophile Fig.1 PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP, 4 ohm tap, triode mode, frequency response with volume control at its maximum at 2.83V into: simulated loudspeaker load (gray), 8 ohms (left channel blue, right red), 4 ohms (left cyan, right magenta), 2 ohms (green) (1dB/vertical div.)."

This sharp rising peak is also shown up as a nasty overshoot on a 10khz square wave.

Cheers George
Looks like I have some more reading and thinking to do.

I know many people look at frequency response as the end all be all of audio, but in the end I will try to go with what sounds good to me.

I guess the best way for me to answer this question is to audition each piece of gear and see what I think.

Thanks everyone who chimed in. It really does help with the whole decision process. I have a feeling that I might end up with the MC601's and just get a tube pre-amp in the end :)