where best to spend $2-3000 upgrade dollars in my system

Looking for help/opinions on where to best spend upgrade dollars in my system and recommendations.

Here's my current set up:

Musical Fidelity A300CR dual mono power amp

Musical Fidelity A3.2CR dual mono preamp

Musical Fidelity A5 CD Player

Kyocera T910 digital tuner

VPI Aries Scout with Dynavector MC 2x20 cart

Klipsch Cornwall II speakers

Also using Monster Cable Z2 Reference speaker cable, Cardas micro-twin phono cable, Van Den Hul D102MKIII cable for CD, and KimberKable PBJ for the rest

Lastly, using Furman Elite 15DMi line filter/power conditioner

Look forward to hearing ideas, thanks

You've got some lovely gear.  In what way (s) do you feel your system is deficient or can be improved?
Depending on what it is that you want to achieve (just "overall better"?), I'd say the speakers.

thanks for the compliment, I love it all but always thinking about where I could improve.  because I'm happy with it all, I kinda sometimes feel like I am complacent but maybe its just content.

I don't know what I necessarily want to achieve. Always thinking that I might want speakers that excel and low listening levels

Being content in this often crazy hobby is a rare and desirable state of mind, IMO, a lot of audiophiles throw money at imaginary "problems." :)

Are you interested in streaming music if you don’t already do that?

One last thought:   I recently disconnected all my cables, including wall plugs, cleaned all the contacts with Deoxit, and applied a VERY light coating  to all contacts, including fuses, of graphene contact enhancer I purchased from a fellow in New Zealand, who calls himself the Mad Scientist.  This made a substantial improvement throughout my system.  Total cost was under $50 bux for everything, including shipping.  Terrific ROI.



possibly interested in streaming.

have 17000 songs on iTunes but alot of that is copies of CD's I ripped to put on my ipod years ago. mostly just basic mp3's. not sure about audio quality of the source if I were to stream music.

Got ideas for me?