Soooooooo many possibilities...!

Hello folks :)
Humbly request to tap into the vast experience and knowledge that is the Audiogonners history.
What preamp and/or phono stage would give a really nice soundstage, and sound, with my equipment?
Said equipment consists of a pair of McIntosh MC1000 amps, a pair of McIntosh XR200 speakers, and a Denon DP 59L turntable.
Audio Research Ref 6 has not sold me, and, wonder if something else out there may sound better...  Also, is an Audio Research Ref 2 Phono a good route to go?
Thank you:)
+1 on Manley Jumbo Shrimp/Chinook combo

I recently sold my C47... the DAC was very good sounding, but the phono stage was merely ok.  

The one piece of audio gear that I wish I’d never sold is the Atma-Sphere MP-3, and I would recommend an audition. Very quiet, and the soundstage is fantastic. 
Audio Research Ref 6 has not sold me
Just curious; which interconnects did you try with the Ref 6? Did you run balanced or RCA? If you go to the Cable forum and read the recent "Balanced Cables" thread, there is some great information from Ralph of Atma-Sphere about the XLR pin standard and the undeniable fact that many amp and preamp manufacturers do NOT comply with the standard for various reasons, some good and some not so good. So, ARC, despite their lofty reputation and perhaps for very good, rock-solid reasons, does not comply with the established XLR standard (this is IF Ralph is correct-when I contacted ARC directly as a Ref 6 owner, they refused to comment!). If ARC had complied with the standard, in all likelihood the quality and design of the XLR interconnect would not matter that much but because they did not, it does matter. A lot. I have a Ref 6 and a Ref 150 SE. The manuals to each emphasize in unusually strong language that the owner should use the very best IC they can afford to extract the full potential of the two pieces. The manual does not make any distinction between XLR and RCA. The Ref 150 SE is XLR only, the Ref 6 offers both forms of outputs as you likely know. I tried five different XLR's at various price points and heard tremendous differences among them. 
Glad to hear you like the Steelhead (thats what I meant in my other post not stingray), I’m sure Kevin Deal at Upscale audio would make you a great price on one,he sold me my chinook, if you decide in the end to buy one. The Steelhead is a phenomenal device, I wish I could have gone that route, but I am very happy with the Shrimp/Chinook. Also, did I mention how fantastic Manley Labs customer service is? Great Company to work with if you ever need too. Plus they sell tubes too.

Matt M

Maybe a Simaudio 740p. Should have a more carved soundstage than a Mac. Little less midrange richness , but a liitle bit more energy ( prat) in the sound. Personnaly I prefer the Mac  midrange , as I find this bold  warmth perfect for my music tastes...acoustic jazz with brass and saxophone... can listen louder without ear fatigue.
Hello tomic601.  Yes, Audio Clasics took very good care of me too.  And they were great to be around as well (no snobs:).  Re: your ref 6 inquiry.  It seemed to be trying to get to a bigger stage than was being heard.  The sound was making its way outside the speakers towards walls (big stage) and some sound "location" seemed to be where it was trying to be.  It just did not pull it all together...  for around $15k it needs to pull it together... although, in all fairness it could have been the room too...  it was not the best.  Still, for that kind of money, I'd expect more.
Hope that helps and thanks for the recommendations.