where best to spend $2-3000 upgrade dollars in my system

Looking for help/opinions on where to best spend upgrade dollars in my system and recommendations.

Here's my current set up:

Musical Fidelity A300CR dual mono power amp

Musical Fidelity A3.2CR dual mono preamp

Musical Fidelity A5 CD Player

Kyocera T910 digital tuner

VPI Aries Scout with Dynavector MC 2x20 cart

Klipsch Cornwall II speakers

Also using Monster Cable Z2 Reference speaker cable, Cardas micro-twin phono cable, Van Den Hul D102MKIII cable for CD, and KimberKable PBJ for the rest

Lastly, using Furman Elite 15DMi line filter/power conditioner

Look forward to hearing ideas, thanks

Can you identify that which you are unsatisfied with? If so please let us know so that the collective can better guide you in your quest.
You have what appears to be a decent system. 
There are many ways to throw money at an audio system. Many are misguided.
Don't try and fix something that isn't broken.  
I agree with Jadedavid, if its not broke dont FIX it! BUT this mixy patchwork of cables you have all sound different! If it were me, I would try and get some synergy going by changing cables to mainly one brand. You seem to like Kimber (neutral sounding good lows and mids and highs), why not start there by changing everything to Kimber (solid core copper)...12TC for speakers and Kimber Silver IC’s. I find Monster (tiny multi stranded copper) and Cardas (various thickness solid core copper) to be very "colored" in MY system, and I think using cables to dial in the sound the way you want is the perfect way to go. Listen to different cables,most have return polices so it shouldnt be a costly matter. I have also heard great things about Anti cables, Morrow Audio cables, Signal Cable, The cable company.

P.S. I am also a big opponent of the use of power conditioners.....they color the sound as well.

Matt M
Op said:
I don't know what I necessarily want to achieve. Always thinking that I might want speakers that excel and low listening levels.

That's strange, because that is one of the strengths of efficient horns like the Cornwalls.
Having owned Cornwalls twice in my audio journey, I agree that they like to be played at more realistic (live) levels, where they really come to life.
So many variables to take into account before any change. For instance, How large is your room? How close do you sit to your speakers? Concerns of noise transmission to other living spaces? Type of music most often played? ETC.
Room and speakers and the interplay between the two are THE most important aspect in an audio system. 
As has been mentioned, have you any acoustical treatments in your room?
Always a good place to start.