scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?
... That process can be a subject of scientific research. What goes into the cable and what comes out. People and their ears are redundant here. Really nobody has done it in the whole world?
You may very well be the first to suggest that when it comes to audio cable research, people and their ears are redundant.  Perhaps you'll undertake the research that you're so surprised remains unexplored. If so, please report back with the results.

Soylent Cabling - Green Shrinkwrap....

People and their ears are redundant here
Of course BS, I explained above it was a joke about directionality of cables. Another telling feature of those exchanges is that people often read only their own posts.
„People and their ears are redundant”. Half-joke in response to claims here that double blind method  cannot study human behavior. So eliminate humans.
But in fact, if you check for error rates of digital transmission in cables the observer’s opinions are irrelevant. The same you can do with „voltage transmission”. Of course pundits here will claim that there is no method to reliably study human hearing which is quantum phenomenally more sensitive than any measurements.