6L6 vs EL34

It was pointed out to me the other day that it would be easy to convert my amp, a stereo PP EL34 amp, to run 6L6's. I've never really listened to the 6L6 tube before do any members have any thoughts on 6L6 tubes vs EL34's? I am running the Genalex KT-77 re-issue tubes in my amp and love how it sounds now. Thanks!
In this hobby I am always amazed at the variety of results obtained from the same product(s) by different users.
If you do change your amp, please post your impressions.
Also, could you identify the amp being used?
Perhaps tonal differences might depend on the brands of tubes we are comparing. I've mainly used SED 6L6GC's , SED EL34's, Tesla E34L's (both old pre war-stock and new) in Sonic Frontiers and Primaluna Dialogue amps. FWIW.
Heard from Vu in his opinion 6L6 warmer and to him more musical at the expense of a bit of power. He also says vintage 6L6 tubes are readily available and sound great. I will certainly give it some thought I've got the system rewired with copper all the way through now Kondo>Auditorium23>Audio Note UK and I like where the sound and tonal balance are not sure if a change would be too much of a good thing.
@jond, "Heard from Vu in his opinion 6L6 warmer and to him more musical at the expense of a bit of power."

Sounds like we're of the same mind.  As folks have mentioned, there's a diversity of opinion.  As I like to say, that's why they make vanilla AND chocolate.  Like most of us, you never really know until you listen for yourself, and draw your own conclusions.

By the way, as we've discussed previously, you have one of Vu's what I'm sure is phenomenal EL34 amps.  I had one of his 45 / 2A3 push-pull amps.  In many ways, it was possibly the best amplifier I paired with my Hornings when I had them.  I also got my beloved Quad ESL57 from Vu
@trelja Yes we are and Vu has the best ears of anyone I know and I always go with his opinion. Just need to give it some thought as I am really happy with where the system is now. And I love this amp, Pavel to me built some amazing sounding amps for Vu and some indestructible ones. I feel like I really lucked out landing this amp and always want to consider any changes to it. And I bet you wish you still had that 45/2a3 push-pull between you and me pretty sure i saw a pair of 45 pushpull monoblocks there this weekend :) I am sure those Quads sound amazing pretty sure you're powering them with Jadis now?