At $5,000.....any thoughts?

This system needed to be new components only. Speakers will be located fairly close to the reasons I went with a sealed design. Also, at $5, off here and there, was a factor.

This system is for my wifes Doctor (female), my wife got me in to this little project. It's going in a med sized area....finished basement.

1. Sanyo PLV-Z5 projector

2. Carada 110" screen

3. Onkyo TX-SR805 7.1 receiver

4. OPPO DV-970HD DVD player

5. NHT Classic 3.... front speakers

6. NHT Classic 2....rear speakers

7. SHU Research VTF-2 MK-3 subwoofer

8 Energy 25" stands for front and rears.

Cables are not in budget, but will be budget brands. HD-DVD player will some point?


Typo on the Oppo, it should have read DV-980HD (this is a new Oppo model). HD-DVD can be added at any time...I would have went with it now, if it were my system...not a problem though (the Onkyo has three HDMI inputs). I went with another Classic 3 for center channel (I would have liked to use the Classic 3 as rears also (darn budget). $5,000 went puff!


Yes, I'll do the install for the projector (ceiling mount), and screen (fixed wall mount)...I got a free projector mount in the projector package. I'll also do the audio...pretty simple for an old wire slinger.


Thanks, doing this (a budget system) for someone else, with little or no input was tricky...more so than I'd have guessed. Trying to cover so many bases, without taking a huge quality hit somewhere turned into quite a fun game. I did come up with a good number of options at each component spot...these final choices won out though, as what I guessed this person would want in a system, and what I know will sound and look good in their room.

This system was ordered on line, with discounts. I needed to make sure all merchants had top quality all areas, in case of component problems...or just general return....lots of research here.

Too bad you were limited to *new* components, I could have put together a system at least twice as good using items puchased here on Agon. It always amazes me how silly (stupid) folks can be about such things...

Dave, sounds like your just a helpful friend not a dealer. Just remember
you are married to this setup. If something goes wrong or needs
reconfiguration , you are going to get the call. Not trying to be negative.
I had an audiofile friend who tried the same...lots of grief. Just be very