scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?
About 2/3s of the way down in the article, they tried reversing cables and all of them heard a different, and better direction. It was quite obvious.


I looked at the article. You’re referring to the statement "We listened to 20 different cables. We directionalized them all first, of course. Every cable sounds different in a different direction. It’s small, but it sounds different. ."

Thing is, no where in the article does it mention they were able to hear a difference via a blind test.

This is the reason for the blind test; to take any bias out of the equation and draw a distinction between what one believes/thinks and what can be demonstrated repeatedly.

When a group of people all hear the same thing, at the same time, in the same setting, and under the same circumstances, double blind testing would be entirely redundant.

The only testing needed would be to determine why it happened, if they felt compelled to do so, and not at the behest of others.

Double blind testing would only serve to dumb down an event which is in it's very nature. I think no one could argue that almost any event can be double blinded down to pure chance. It's like I've said before: a cheap parlor trick. 

All the best,
gdhalI’m in the U.S. (Long Island specifically) and I am referring to U.S. dollars. $25K is acceptable, but my preference would be half that. Keep in mind you and I would incur attorneys fees as well... I’ll await your PM.

$25K USD is fine however you have issued a public challenge so all negotiations must be in public so that we can settle this matter for once and for all! I will travel to US at my expense well it will be your expense this is not a hard matter to prove even though so many scream snake oil!
Wasn’t the test basically blind since nobody knew which direction would be the preferred direction, for each cable tested? Even the person reversing the cable didn’t know a priori. Unless the cables are marked for direction you can’t tell by looking at them. If they were marked, they wouldn’t have had to test them, no? Looks blind to me. 👀
An old philosopher once said, never go test something at someone else’s system. You might not like what you hear. 😬 There are too many variables.