Well I took my system to my local dealer today, turns out I needed a new table as the arm on my current hybrid is all wrong and so instead of slowly upgrading I went feet first and have purchased a Rega Planar 3 with the Elys cart, sounded great on my system.
I could of gone down the 2nd hand and vintage route, but I was there could hear everything and so was able to try, also got a deal as it was there ex demo as they couldn't find the black in stock and so have a red one with over £150 off.
Plugged it all back together when I got home and I am a happy bunny, old turntable is now forsale and saving me from doing all those upgrades that the Planar already has! Wanted a new cart hence why I went in there to start with.
I could of gone down the 2nd hand and vintage route, but I was there could hear everything and so was able to try, also got a deal as it was there ex demo as they couldn't find the black in stock and so have a red one with over £150 off.
Plugged it all back together when I got home and I am a happy bunny, old turntable is now forsale and saving me from doing all those upgrades that the Planar already has! Wanted a new cart hence why I went in there to start with.