scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?

The idea of meeting with your first via skype is so I can gain a sense as to whether or not we could ever attain an agreement.

I am increasingly developing the sense here that your proposal to discuss via skype now is in truth an attempt to escape from your $25K USD offer to test my ability to detect wire directionality in a scientifically controlled test. If the purpose is truly to determine whether we can ever actually agree on the protocols for the test then that is a conversation we can have here under the "protective umbrella " and watchful eye of all here on Audio and including Audiogon itself. We will each I am confident have specific requirements and preconditions for this test and it will be up for each forum participant here to conclude for theirselves whether such requirements are prudent and/or reasonable or an attempt to escape our committments as previously expressed here in the forum. As facts presently stand we have only your offer of $25,000 USD on the table and increasingly your adding additional preconditions onto your previously open offer. Everyone here should know that I am willing to travel to your country and accept your offer of $25,000 USD to detect this directionality but of course I will need assurances that the test will be conducted in a scientific way and in public so that others can witness what transpires.
My suggestions are independent of brand of cable.

Great.  Then your suggestions/recommendations should be moot. Please note that we are speaking here of subjective listening impressions, not objective technical measurements.

All else can remain constant. Meaning all gear (amp, speakers, music, volume level, whatever). It could even be conducted in an environmentally controlled room, or not.

Let’s not over complicate matters.

The only thing we need to do with the belden speaker wire is disconnect it from the speakers binding posts, disconnect it from the amps binding post, physically orient the cable in the opposite direction, reconnect to speaker and amp binding posts, play the same music passage and then have clearthink state, “yes, you have reversed the cable” or “no, you have not reversed the cable” and compare that statement to what actually just occurred with the cable. Seems to me he/she should be able to do this 100% of the time, just like if you played Amy Winehouse, then played Bod Dylan and asked if the music changed. It should be that simple and recognizable, according to clearthink (and you, Geoff).

You’ve not done much testing before, have you? This is what always happens in these $$$ challenges. One side wants to minimize the chances of success. That would be you. The other side should wish to maximize his chances of success, no?. That’s why Randi never lost a bet. It’s the art of running a blind test. 😛 People assume they can just walk right in and do it, easy as one, two, three. 
Randi’s testing regimen was looked at by people who design scientific testing regimens.

It was found to be so badly built, that if it was applied in real science and real proofing procedures, that ... not one single drug or substance would ever be made available to humanity---- as all being tested would fail. All.

The test was not even remotely properly built. That’s what you find when you look under the hood of the challenge. Surprise!

It’s all this looking at the surface of things, combined with accepting the first answer, or deciding on the first formulated question, etc....such is the mindset that dooms the average person from ever reaching satisfaction in understanding the world.

’Good enough’ does not apply in researching any aspect of advanced understandings which might go beyond the common and mundane.

As for any $25k challenge: it would only apply to two people: those two who are involved. Outside of that, it would be a waste of time and money.