gdhalThe idea of meeting with your first via skype is so I can gain a sense as to whether or not we could ever attain an agreement.
I am increasingly developing the sense here that your proposal to discuss via skype now is in truth an attempt to escape from your $25K USD offer to test my ability to detect wire directionality in a scientifically controlled test. If the purpose is truly to determine whether we can ever actually agree on the protocols for the test then that is a conversation we can have here under the "protective umbrella " and watchful eye of all here on Audio and including Audiogon itself. We will each I am confident have specific requirements and preconditions for this test and it will be up for each forum participant here to conclude for theirselves whether such requirements are prudent and/or reasonable or an attempt to escape our committments as previously expressed here in the forum. As facts presently stand we have only your offer of $25,000 USD on the table and increasingly your adding additional preconditions onto your previously open offer. Everyone here should know that I am willing to travel to your country and accept your offer of $25,000 USD to detect this directionality but of course I will need assurances that the test will be conducted in a scientific way and in public so that others can witness what transpires.