Is Agon becoming the eBay of audio?

I realize that this has been dissed before.
FWIW I'm a regular window shopper on Agon and have noticed a trend by sellers to misrepresent their wares and disregarding Agons condition rating guidelines in higher frequencies.  More listins stating item as"new" when item is obviously not and asking for top dollar. As of late for example an ad was placed for an item as "new" when owner admits that it is 1.5 years old and has at minimum 200+ hours of use. This in itself would be rated a 9/10 at best by the Agon rating system. Sellers are more defining and rating their product based on cosmetics than on functionality. For those buying it is increasingly important to do some deep research and close inspection of represenation pictures by enlarging available pictures to avoid disappointment. 
It is my opinion that buyers should not let emotions or immediate wants sway their common sense. At first sign of questionability be prepared to walk away.
Let the buyer beware

I haven't sold anything on here for awhile but never ran into issues selling, or for that matter buying on A'gon. That said, lately I've been more inclined like trelja and have given amps , speakers, cd players , cables to friends (my age group or younger) to hopefully have them enjoy a better listening experience 
The OP is so correct about the lack of compliance with the grading system in the last couple of years. I get so annoyed that I leave them a message on their ad making sure that it is visible...not private. In fairness, sometimes they thank me and correct their ads. I always say it courteously, but there are others who get nasty and ask me if I'm the Audiogon police, or if I'm actually interested in buying the item. I respond that I am interested in items being accurately graded.   
If that makes me an Audiogon cop, then fine...send me a badge.
I respond that I am interested in items being accurately graded.  
If that makes me an Audiogon cop, then fine...send me a badge.
+1...I do the same thing.
I will say one thing I've noticed is a lot of ads marked new where it's patently obvious the seller wasn't trying to represent the item as new. I've seen enough instances of this that I'm starting to wonder if its some glitch in posting ads. I've seen ads with tons of pics where the seller goes into great detail about the age and condition of the gear. I've seen ads marked new where the seller references the grading scale in his comments. I mean statements like "I rated item Z  8/10 on the Agon grading scale because..." on an ad that states the item is new. Clearly that was not the sellers intention, so I think it is a mix of ad posting errors and of course some bad apples.