speakers with balls

Hello friends
I live in a modern unit!! of medium size!!
 I/m running a pair of Zu soul's, on some recordings, sound great, other's could be better!!, I'm looking at the below, my amps are "audio labs" mono blocks!! approx 250 WPC
I'm looking for a speaker that "rocks"!!
I have a short list of speakers, that according from web sites, are a good match
1. Magnepan 1.7
2. Magnepan 1.7.i
3. Gallo Acoustics  3.5
These are some speakers, that am willing to consider
 anymore more speakers, that you can recon-end??
Here's a speaker that "rocks out": vintage JBL 166 Horizon! Everybody remembers the L100 Century. The L166 is the far better descendant - notably better highs thanks to its titanium dome tweeter! And the famous high-gauss extended range 12 inch woofer! If you like ROCK! and are going to that desert isle then the L166 is the speaker to take!
I think Zu and Magnepans are some of the least "rock" friendly speakers out there. I'd add lower end Martin Logans to that list. Any modern three way floor stander with a >10" woofer in a $2K (used) price range will sound better.