Soooooooo many possibilities...!

Hello folks :)
Humbly request to tap into the vast experience and knowledge that is the Audiogonners history.
What preamp and/or phono stage would give a really nice soundstage, and sound, with my equipment?
Said equipment consists of a pair of McIntosh MC1000 amps, a pair of McIntosh XR200 speakers, and a Denon DP 59L turntable.
Audio Research Ref 6 has not sold me, and, wonder if something else out there may sound better...  Also, is an Audio Research Ref 2 Phono a good route to go?
Thank you:)
With your Mac amps, be careful of impedance issues with many of the non-Mac tube pre-amps out there  --  for example the CJ ACT II is a great pre-amp, but did not play well at all with our MC452.  I ended up using the C2500 with the MC452 to very nice results (but you definitely will want to roll out the stock tubes that come with any Mac pre-amp).    


I have a Steelhead and am quite happy with it, although it is kinda goofy looking. The remote will only control the volume, and no other functions, and only in the variable output configuration. It is by-passed in the fixed configuration. As for the noise floor/hum issue that you asked about, I had issues in this matter when I first installed it in my system. I tried placing the power supply in different locations in my rack, re-arranged/moved cables, all to no avail. I finally located the power supply out of the rack, and on to the floor in front of the rack. Problem solved!! It is now dead quiet !! The umbilical is plenty long enough for trying different locations. I have a picture of my system on my profile here, if you care to have a look, and you will be able to see it's placement better than I can explain it.

+1 erik_squires
Always address the room first.
It will give you half of what you hear.
If you don't know where to start, read Jim Smith's book Get Better Sound.
I use Primacoustic panels and recommend them highly.
Don't spend another dime on gear until you nail the positions of the speakers and listening seat and treat all first reflection points.
I do not know if your still looking, "I shall never be DONE looking"! But if your still interested in "Manley"? 
 I um, Currently have "Most" of their gear. "Stingray's, Mahi's and Snappers", "Oh My"! "Along with a 300B Neoclassic Pre."
  Two sets of each.
It took me awhile with all of the gear. "Two systems side by side with diff. tubes, cabling and etc. (But), Each utilizing the same amp/s and pre-amp etc.", until I finally had the exact system I wanted, "Needed". So what I'll keep isn't listed in the above.
  It is All amazing equipment. And All of it built like a "WWII", "Main Battle Tank"! And now just taking up room next to the Manley's that I shall, "Never", part with! 
4 X "Snapper's", 4 x "Mahi's".
 And then, "Last, but very certainly NOT the least"...…
   One, "Manley Laboratories, Neo-Classic 300B, Tube Preamplifier".