scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?
An impasse?! Oh, my! How exciting. Did I predict that or what? 😃
I know of no reports that can claim undisputed, unbiased, statistically significant accuracy. For that matter, I haven’t been able to find any publications that have accurately quantified the difference, in the distortion of audio frequency electrical signals, between Siltech Emperor Crown and zip-cord speaker cables.

Just because you haven’t found any doesn’t mean they’re not out there. Maybe you need to refine your search terms. 😃 You can always use the reliable excuse, the dog ate my homework. 

An impasse?! Oh, my! How exciting. Did I predict that or what?

I don't know, however, you are well known on the forum for your clairvoyant capabilities. 
Having been the subject of The Amazing Randi’s Newsletter five times, sharing space with Uri Geller đŸ„„ once, and a bunch of ghost hunters đŸ‘» and dowsers on others, and having been involved with negations with Randi’s Education Foundation for the Million Dollar Challenge for the Intelligent Chip, I think I can say without any risk of contradiction that I know a little bit more about the ups and downs of blind test $$$$ challenges than the average bear. 😛

Step 1-Try some different cables in YOUR system. The Cable Company has a lending library for at-home testing. Step 2- Buy cables you think enhance your listening pleasure.

You can trade or sell said cable at later date as your tastes and/or system changes.

Step 3- (Most important) Ignore anyone on-line or off-line posters or "experts"/"engineers" who want "Blind Testing" or "Scientific Measurements" to "prove" or disapprove the spending of any $$ on cables...or any other part of YOUR system.