Audio Physics ...Bright or forward?

I have been auditioning some Audio Physics speakers and they do things I have never heard other speakers do, even more expensive ones. Their bass is very tight and defined and the musical trimbe is excellent. But I think they are forward, not bright but have a lot of presents. I am afraid they will be fatiguing over time. I have home auditioned them twice. I need to make a decision, either I buy these from the local dealer buy something else site unheard some where else. I am basically looking for someone to confirm or denigh my thoughts on Audio Physics.
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Which Audio Physic speakers did you listen to? I own the Tempo (original Tempo). They are on the neutral (rather than full) side with extended highs, but I certainly would not say bright. Maybe a little forward, but that depends on upstream electronics (and I have somewhat of a preference for "forward-sounding" speakers).

They are not fatiguing to me, anyway. I've owned them for 3 years and have never grown tired of them. I have a friend who normally hates metal-dome tweeters but really admires the sound of these speakers.

Audio Physic makes great speakers, but like anything else it depends on your tastes. You seem to like most things that these speakers do. I don't think you'll go wrong with buying a pair.

Believe it or not, all Audio Physics speakers do not sound the same. Which model are you talking about???

I owned the Virgo II's for a while and thought they were a touch bright with certain material and equipment, but not overly so. The Virgo III's are reported to lean even more toward prominent treble. But of course there are other AP models you could be talking about...
I've owned two pairs of Virgo IIs and have had the Avanti IIIs
for a few years. If they sound bright you need to look elsewhere in your system. They are not bright.