Will older films be produced on blu-ray or HD?

Would older films be reproduced on blu-ray or HD-DVD? How old is old? Say films like Aliens 1 and 2? Basically, how do we know which 'older' films would have the potential to be reproduced in these HD formats? Or it's just new movies would only be capable of 1080 resolution?

Any advice would be appreciated.
Johnny, Its inevedible that the future format will be HD. It has to change at some point, but I think that change will be a very long time. I think it will be 5 plus years before anything out sells dvd.
08-26-07: Freemand
Johnny, Its inevitable that the future format will be HD. It has to change at some point, but I think that change will be a very long time. I think it will be 5 plus years before anything out sells dvd.
That's basically what I was saying. The issue was whether HD DVD and/or Blu-Ray would ever get beyond the marginal status of SACD & DVD-A in audio. After 7 years of availability, the hi-res digital MUSIC formats are still marginal in the market.

I *do* think a hi-def format will eventually replace std-def DVD, because it is so much easier to distinguish a large-screen hi-def display in the market place from a garden-variety CRT. And the difference is desirable and affordable. So if everybody ends up adopting the hardware, won't they follow with the software?

Actually, a 5-year transition sounds about right.
Sure it just might take 5-10 years for a decent back log to become available.

Ocassionally I try to rent a classic from netflix and can't because it hasn't been transfered or there are problems with the rights to it. For example The African Queen from 1951 is arguably one of Bogart's best films although I had to get an import to watch it.
LOL, is no one else here even *slightly* amused that the original poster thought "older" films were Alien and Aliens????!

Drew, I'm with you.

Popular classic and older titles will get HD *if* the source elements are doable and the studios think they can make money on the release.
Rackon....I did chuckle when Alien was mentioned as an 'older' film.
Man, did I feel old when I read that..