Vandersteen 2Ce Signature vs 3A

Can anyone tell me what the major difference is between the 2Ce Signatures and 3A in terms of sound? How about the 3A vs the 3A signature? Are these upgrades significant or not worth the money?
Yes and Yes, I had the 2ce and loved them I wound up getting a 2wq which helped the bass alot. The bass wasn't quite tight enought for me, not the fault of the speaker I just have a hard room and still better han 90% of the stuff out there in that price range. Where this speaker excelecd was the mids. Listened to some 3sig last year that someone had and they were wonderful. They are a bit more refined meening the mids are ritcher sounding and the bass was also better if I had them I would not of needed the subs.

Now let me also add some of my experance here that might be helpful. I started out with a Denon 3805 receiver drove the speaker fine sounded grate. Switched to a ar pre amp and adcom 5503 amp. Wow, more sound and soundstage. Put on some Kimber cable by wired and hero innerconnects grate improvement. After that added quicksilver v4 tube amps. made everything smoother and more tubey. This was all to the 2CEsig. What I am trying to say here is even teh 2cesig will be very responsive to high end equipnment. I do perfer the 3sig in every way to the 2cesig but the 2ce sig are one heck of a speaker, but all depends on what you are driving them with.

I never compaired a 3a to a 2ce sig but I would say they are probably about the same in the mids the 3a may have a bit more bass. the 3a to the 3a sig the mids are more refined.
Hi, I have both the 2 Sigs and 3 Sigs. I prefer listening to the 2s in my rooms simply because you need a larger room for the 3s. Yes, they're more refined and all, but if you don't have a large room and a solid amp you're going to get better results for less work with the 2s. I wouldn't consider older 3As. For the difference in price the performance gap is too small...the 2s would be my choice there.

Go to your dealer and take the time to listen. It's worth it!

I have the 3A Signatures in a 10 x 16 room. Excellant!!!!!!!
Driven by McIntosh C22 / MC275 combination, 4 ohm output taps.

My MC240 had no problem driving these speakers either. I had an MC225 that did well until pushed harder. Hey, at only 25 wpc what do you expect?
First I had a Pair of 2CE sigs. loved them. Then I tried out a Pair of older 3A's was not impressed. The Older 3a'S seemed harsh in the highs and not as enjoyable as the 2ce sigs.