scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?
Now for something completely different. A Global Tweak. Let’s see if we have any players. I’m going to do something, a tweak, I’m not saying what, so it will be blind, this afternoon AFTER 4 PM sometime, but not after 5. So you won have to wait too long. This will give anyone a chance to get familiar with the sound of his system BEFORE I do it, so he can compare BEFORE and AFTER the Global Tweak.

I will post on this thread to give a heads up 😳 right after I do whatever it is I’m going to do. The only thing I will say about it is it should be audible on any system anywhere. It’s a Global Tweak so you should be able to hear it anywhere in the world.
Proof positive the post immediately prior to 03-19-2018 2:03pm is fake news is that it’s author deleted it.

"Um is not an answer" - Judge Judy
It's bad enough that "fake news" is used in politics to avoid the truth and the debate that should ensue but here, on an audio forum, it's a bit much.
Ditto heads and cult followers scream "fake news" but I trust that no one here is that dense.

All the best,
I didn’t delete it. Why would I? You cannot delete or edit your own post once it’s been there for 30 minutes.

They don’t keep me here because I’m gorgeous. They keep me here because I’m smart. - Judge Judy