Preamp: Parasound P5 vs Rotel RC1590

Hi everyone!

I have a choice to make between Parasound P5 and Rotel RC1590. Will be using them with Hypex NCore NC500 based monoblock amps and Focal Electra 1008be speakers. Will be using XLR output, and ht bypass is a must.

Out of these 2 choices, which one would you recommend ? Listed some of the pros and cons I am thinking of each model.

Parasound P5:
  • Many positive reviews
  • Subwoofer integration
  • True ht bypass
  • Looks visually better than Rotel.
  • No torodial transformer, switching power supply instead.
  • Motorized volume control. (possible lack of precise control at low volumes, harder to control via remote probably)

Rotel RC1590:
  • 2 toroidal transforms (1 is dedicated to DAC)
  • Built in DAC is of a higher spec.
  • Digital volume control
  • RS232 connection. I use home automation system (HASS). I could build a device to control the amp in anyway I want.
  • Fixed gain instead of ht bypass, would need to have balance set to 0 or compensate for it by AVR.
  • No proper subwoofer integration. However I can easily DIY a cross over filter and volume pot, to connect to sub. My sub has independent LFE and L/R inputs.

Now, I know that these items are priced very differently in states. But, in Poland, their retail prices are more or less identical. Rotel seems to be much better of a preamp for the money (speaking only of the components inside: However, there are fewer reviews of it, very few user reviews. Features and spec wise,  RC-1570 or RC-1572 seems to be more comparable to Parasound P5 and they are much cheaper than Parasound here.

Some guidance would be very much appreciated.
Between reviews and speaking to Parasound directly, I would encourage you to consider the P7 a better preamp than the P5, and I believe the P7 also has RS232 connectivity. 

The DAC in the P5 isn't meant to be more than a convenience. 

I haven't heard the Rotel. 
@erik_squires P7 would be a very attractive option. However, it costs 3600$ here versus 2000$ retail price in states.

Currently thinking of home demoing Rotel RC-1590, and going for purchase if I like it, if not demo Parasound P5. Not sure if I should stretch out for Parasound P7. A real nice option would be Parasound jc2 bp. However, that is way too pricey and no ht bypass.
Your description indicates you favor the Rotel. I think many very good preamps do not have a toroidal transformer so therefore I don’t think it is a con. Go with what you want.....
There are many DACs that don't measure well, but sound terrific!?!? I do not go by specs I go by what sounds great myself. Go with what you want...
Any opinions on Cambridge Audio Azur 851E ? That is another option I was thinking of. More or less the same pros and cons of Rotel. It doesn't have DAC, but i don't really care for it that much.

@2psyop I currently favor Rotel. However, that opinion might change instantly after I demo it. I really need to hear both I guess. Will see if it will be possible to home demo both at the same time, so I can do some A/B testing. Not sure if it is the best idea though. Will see!