Simple snake oil detection

Hi there were soooo many posts asking af any given device, toy, tweak or component is snake oil.
I’m not considered to be disbeliever or engineering guru at all. All I know and use is elementary math.

If an amp worth more than new Bmw, I can kinda take that with grain of salt, but if a wire is worth more than stainway grand, I am DEFINITELY sure snake oil is there without even questioning if this particular product makes sense 

So now any audio device can be plugged into the detection formula above to truthfully define snake oil. All you need to know is product name, description and asking price.

Where would high end audio be without snake oil?   Who would pay those prices without at least a little lubricating first up front?
dang 50% posts removed! it also tickles audiogon as they remove (looks like in panic they purge and purge and purge lustly) whatever or not falls on to their guidelines that are so flexible that posts can be removed at any time for any reason.
i guess it brings them fun as to ones who posts here, the balance of pain and pleasures has always been and always will be.


I have the entire transcript myself. There is a difference between "offering" and "promoting". Nevertheless, believe whatever you like. Note my insistence on legal council ensures *your* interests are upheld.

Presumably this post is within forum guideline and wouldn’t be removed.
audiogon moderators only remove posts that have been flagged by members.

Perhaps if certain participants stopped invading other threads with their petty squabbles they would not have so many posts removed?