Von schweikert vr4sr up against mahler

I have vienna acoustic mahler speakers that I was thinking of replacing with vr4sr speakers.has anyone heard both?my amp driving the speakers is Gryphon. I love the sound of my Mahlers but feel that I need to change as I have had Mahlers now for three years. Here in Australia I have not the choice of speakers that some people have.
I owned VR 4.5's for 3 years before owning my current Vienna Mahlers. No comparison the Mahlers play music the VR 4.5's played hifi.
Have not heard the current VR speakers.

If you luv your mahlers, why are you looking at changing?

Care to explain youir remark that, "the Mahlers play music the VR 4.5's played hifi."

I haven't spent much time with the 4.5s, but I have the 4jr speakers, not yet fully broken in or set up, and I am very impressesd with how they present classical music to this regular concert-goer.
Melm, In my system the VS 4.5's could never really get any deep bass and the midrange / treble was very trasparent but ultimately fatiguing - much like hifi.
The mahlers just sounded better.
"02-07-06: Downunder
Melm, In my system the VS 4.5's could never really get any deep bass and the midrange / treble was very trasparent but ultimately fatiguing - much like hifi.
The mahlers just sounded better."

You should have read the manual on how to set them up. They have tramendously tight base and fatiguing is not what you get from them unless the rest of your system is very weak. They can't make up for weak system.
>They have tramendously tight base<

Yes, but do they have tramendously tight bass too????