Speakers least affected by room acoustics

i have an acoustic problem, a high ceiling that echos. I don’t want any man cave treatments as I am the W Ain the WAF. Are there any speakers that would minimize this problem?
There are no speakers that are going to solve this problem. I have been doing this for 35 years and I’m amazed at how little people don’t understand this issue.

Remember that anything above 100 hz is a problem of reflection. Anything below 100 hz is a problem of room pressure. If you have a full range speaker, you have to deal with getting the room pressure solved before you do anything else. It won’t matter what else you do. Try opening up one window about 2 inches in your car while listening to the radio at 60 miles an hour and tell me what you hear. Your ears will feel like they are going to explode. If you don’t fix the problem of pressure you are not going to get good sound.

Bass ’absorbers’ do not work. Yes, I said it, they do not work. Bass traps, etc., are the biggest waste of money period. Diffusers don’t work either unless they are at least 4 inches in
length and are made of some kind of solid hard wood. Plants don’t work either, they are pseudo science. This has been proven time and time again. However, wool carpets are very good. I recommend wool on the floor and even hanging on a few walls. This will help with the ’echo effect’ you are having in your room. If you can, place the speakers so that they are not parallel to any wall. If you have bookshelf speakers and don’t mind sitting on a bean bag or pillow on the floor, use Mapleshade Audio’s Bedrock speakers stands and watch the problems of your room go away.  This is due to the fact that the sound will hit your ears way before any reflections and you will not experience the headache.  I hope this is helpful.
Very helpful.. Have wool carpet. So a wool wall covering will help also. This helps both aesthetics and science to cooperate. Thank you !
Agree with Audiotroy.
No speakers or digital correction will cure bad room acoustics. In your case there is a solution and you won’t need wife acceptance because she will not notice it.
10 inches of rockwool on your ceiling supported by grid/strings and covered by 
sound permeable fabric. You can do it cheaply yourself. Of course thick carpeting and more sound deadening furniture would be helpful too.
Recordchanger we work with major celebs and work in multi million dollar homes.

Please PM us and we can show you how to do it tastefully,

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ