You are completely right.
We are users of crazy machinery expected to generate any music on command over there, where we live. We don't want to hear any noise, nor any distortion or test tones. We want the sounds coming out to be musical sounds.
Those artists' views can be guides on what we should expect, to conceptualize where internally music might take us. When the system can do it and when the listener can actually hear that. Two different subjects. Above, I proposed paths through these two difficult subjects.
We are users of crazy machinery expected to generate any music on command over there, where we live. We don't want to hear any noise, nor any distortion or test tones. We want the sounds coming out to be musical sounds.
Those artists' views can be guides on what we should expect, to conceptualize where internally music might take us. When the system can do it and when the listener can actually hear that. Two different subjects. Above, I proposed paths through these two difficult subjects.