Romex and breaker switches

I did a search and have read previous posts, but I still have some questions. I had an electrician install dedicated lines in my listening room when we built our house 20 years ago. I bought simple hospital grade outlets from a big box store and did not specify the gauge of the romex or anything else. I need to clear out my dedicated listening room soon for new hardwood to be installed and figured now would be a good time to revisit and improve my dedicated lines. I have already bought a pair of Oyaide R1 duplexes and intend to have them installed side by side behind my equipment rack. My question is-is there a particular variation of 10 gauge romex that would be best? I have looked and there are quite a few variations including 10-2 and 10-3 and I have no idea what to buy or for that matter, if some other wire that would do the job and not be prohibitively expensive presents a better option. I will need a 20 foot run for each duplex. Also, can someone help me as to whether the breaker switch on my panel matters much and whether I should opt for 20A, 30A, or other? I now know that all runs from my duplexes to the panel should be to the same leg. I will make sure that happens. Any other recommendations or advice about romex/wire to use and breaker switches given my decision to go with Oyaide R1's would be most appreciated. 
@fsonicsmith - have the electrician install two seperate runs of 12-2 or 10-2 - one for each outlet.

Also if the runs have to go through studs, have the electrician drill seperate holes for each cable.

Have them position the cables at least 1.5 inches apart

The electrician will maintain it makes no sense and you should go with a single 12-3 or 10-3, but be adamant about this. 

I have tried both and two totally seperate runs of 12-2 on the same leg  as detailed above provided better sound quality than a single run 12-3 on the same leg.

I believe the improvement was due to Proximity Effect. (google it)

There are differing opinions on whether the effects of this phemonima is a real concern - some go into long winded mathamatical proofs prooving it to be of no consequence, but in my book - actual observation trumps anything else.

FYI - I used Pass and Seymour MRI plugs (no ferous materials used) - they clamp like a vice and are reasonably priced

Regards - Steve

Thanks all!
It took me a while, but I think I now fully understand the concept of the common ground in 10-3 or 12-3 wiring to be avoided. I will go with two separate runs of 12-2 and as williewonka suggests, have the electrician drill separate holes for each run and keep the runs as separated as possible. I gather that the consensus is that the quality of the breaker switches aren't likely to make SQ better?
Can someone recommend an isolation transformer that is up to the task but not drastic overkill? 
williewonka-I wish I had seen those Pass and Seymour outlets before I dropped $250 on a pair of Oyaide R1's! 
@fsonicsmith how are you planning to use an isolation transformer within your set up? 
 how are you planning to use an isolation transformer within your set up?

I was thinking that it would be mounted to a stud along my breaker panel in the basement. If it needs a shelf, one could easily be built alongside, above, or below the breaker panel. 
I can certainly endorse the Torus wall mounted transformers like the WM75BAL I have, but they’re not exactly cheap