What does moving from a 150 watt amp to a 400 watt amp get you?

Hi all, I’m coming back to tap the knowledge of the forum again.  I have a pair of revel ultima studio 2s that I very much enjoy. I’m currently running them with an Ayre V-5xe.  I’ve seen others say that these speakers need to be driven by 400 Watts to get them to sound their best.  I sort of understand the relationship between wattage and sound volume, but if I am not looking for “louder” what do I get with a more powerful amp?  I don’t hear clipping. More current?  But what does that do?  Sorry for my ignorance!
the difference in watts are just numbers. you will notice that the same number of watts in one unit is NOT the same as the same number or watts in another amp. A good example are Naim amps, whose 50 watts are more powerful than many manufacturers that tout 100watts. Its just a conservative estimate of wattage for Naim. and many times, manufacturers are describing power in terms of amps or dB of gain. 

the point I want to make is about gain, different than watts or power.

Maybe an analogy: if 150 watts compared to 400 watts was like 5 gallons of gas in your car compared to 15 gallons of gas in your car. But you have the choice of the amount of gas octane you put in your tank.

In CA, we have 87, 89, or 91 octane. So the octane will give you boost, speed, and run a lil hotter. Meaning that the gain of the 150w/5 gallons vs 400w/15 gallons can be different. you might have high gain (91 octane) with 150 watts or low gain (87 octane). Same for the 400w amp Each amp manufacturer is different, and they try to establish an even amount of gain that sound pretty good at low or high volume levels.

But generally speaking, a 400w unit will give you more gain at lower volume levels than 150w amp. The point is that the higher the gain, the better your stereo will sound at lower volumes, b/c the 91 octane will distribute the energy to more of the hi and low frequencies and tend to give more of a "live" sound. doing this will take some energy from the mids, since the energy is spread out (think of a bell curve here) to the right and left extremes (the "bell" in the middle lowers). 

Last, I would try to explain this by using the Easter Electric BBA, Booster Buffer amp. It is a small unit, has 3 tubes and a transformer. Only 2 knobs on the front: VOLUME AND GAIN. in 10 years of audiophile, it is the most valuable unit I have had in terms of learning how to control sound through my speakers, and how to mitigate bad recordings and get to sound good. e.g. if I am playing a CD with too much gain ("loudness wars"), I reduce the gain and match to a volume that sounds good. If I am playing a poorly recorded or old LP with low gain or flat dynamics, I will turn up the gain to give better hi/lo dynamics and breath new life into it. 

I know this doesn't give a concrete answer, but I'm hoping the theory will help you figure out what will work best for you.Last, I dont know if you are familier with SimAudio, but they are know for having strong, solid power from amps (and gain, but not too much). In that respect, they are similar to the Naim amps referred to above. 

Over the years I've upgraded amps from lower to higher power models, and in every case, the result has always been better sound quality.

That may not be attributable to just the extra power.  When I've made the jump to a higher-powered amp, it is usually a better quality model as well.

I currently use an amp that's rated at 450wpc, and when I'm really driving my speakers to (for me) loud levels, I'm using WAY less than the power this amp is capable of delivering, but in no way has this amp sounded like it's straining to drive those speakers.
I would make several points:

1)As a practical matter what you are using with this particular speaker is a 240 watt amp, not a 150 watt amp. The amp is rated at 150 watts into 8 ohms and 300 watts into 4 ohms. The impedance curve of the speaker, as shown in Stereophile’s review, indicates an impedance averaging about 5 ohms across almost all of the frequency range below 1 kHz, which is the part of the spectrum that encompasses most of the energy of music music. It can be calculated from the 150 watt/300 watt 8 ohm/4 ohm numbers that the amp is capable of 240 watts into 5 ohms.

2)The difference between 400 watts and 240 watts is about 2.2 db, which while not quite negligible is not much of a difference.

3)IMO design differences between amplifiers are likely to be vastly more significant from a sonic standpoint than a 2.2 db difference in maximum power capability.

4)Everything else being equal more amplifier watts = more amplifier $. IMO it is usually desirable to have as high a percentage as possible of the dollars one chooses to invest in an amplifier go toward quality rather than toward watts, assuming the number of watts is sufficient to avoid getting near the amp’s clipping point.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al

Correction to my previous post:  In the first paragraph "music music" should have been "most music," of course.

-- Al