Primaluna Dialogue poremium, Rogue Cronus Magnum II or Jolida 801...who can advise me?

So good morning all..
I am a novice to tubes and an old guy as far as Solid State goes. I am taking the plunge into tubes and planning on an integrated amp.
Currently I have a close to 30 year old set of Paradigm Export Monitors that I bought new many years ago and still are in awesome shape, with a sensitivity around 89dB, but am planning on a set of Tekton Design Lore speakers at 98 dB....I listen primarily to vinyl and although I have heard the PL recently in southern NH at Audio Video Therapy, I like the pricing of the Rogue better and the fact it has both a headphone amp and a Phono stage built in. Who has experience with both and what are our thoughts? And just for entertainment purposes, I also am considering the Jolida 801 Integrated....

If you want a well built reliable tube integrated that sounds wonderful the PL is a no brainer. 

Has anyone heard both and can compare the difference in sound between the Dialogue Premium and Dialogue Premium HP? Obviously there is a power difference, with the HP having 8 power tubes versus 4 in the regular model. But with efficient speakers will they both sound the same?



I have the HP's as mono's driving my Maggie's and they sound glorious. I started it off with one HP driving my Maggie's and it sounded pretty damn good at moderate levels. Maggie's are 86db so I had to go with the HP version. What speakers are you driving?


When I was looking around for a tube amp some years ago I stumbled into the Jolida amps…not many reviews, but I talked to the MD people and wound up with an upgraded 502P…more power into moderate efficiency speakers than I needed (60 to 80 watts or so per side), tube rolling fun galore, and it sounded fabulous…only sold it after being seduced into the low power SE world (efficient speakers required), but man..a great amp.
Disclaimer - I am the distributor for MastersounD so this is likely biased. 

Have you considered the MastersounD BoX or Dueventi?  Both are el34 based and run in a parallel single ended configuration - a perfect fit for speakers like Tekton.  The Dueventi is 20 WPC and retails for $4,500, the BoX is 35 WPC and retails for $3,000.  Both include remote and phono input.  I was able to experience the Evolution 845 recently on the Double Impact SE and it was stellar.

If this doesn't interest you, perhaps consider Triode Corporation as another alternative.  I would go this route before Rogue or Jolida personally.