Ps Audio BHK preamp Vs ARC best preamps

Hello to everyone in this forum, I'm Mario from Venice, Italy and I'm a new member even if I read your posts since a lot of time.

First of all sorry for my written english, I will try to do my best.

I would like to know if anyone has been able to compare the BHK preamp with the best of ARC production and in my opinion this means with LS 22, LS 25 (both the versions...), Ref 3, Ref 5SE and so on.

Thank you for sharing  your impressions.

Paul McGowan said he had the same experience and that he couldn't explain it either.
@tomcy6 The explanation is simple- interconnect cables contribute to the system sound if not properly controlled. A raw passive volume control puts a series resistance between the source and the amp, essentially raising its output impedance. For this reason, bass and overall impact are reduced and the effects of the interconnect cable are more audible.

When the volume control is intimately involved with an active circuit that has a low output impedance (as you see in many line sections) this effect is reduced.

I am currently using top of the lind MG Audio Design interconnects,  I first learned about them from the late Arnie Nudell.  When I discovered that I could purchase half meter pairs for $900 I was in.  I later later learned that Paul McGowan uses them as well.  With my present Audio Researc LS27/Stax headphone system they are truly state of the art.  Yes even today.  If I had a top of the line current tube, ballanced Stax headphone system to connect to my LS27-well that would be an experience.  But my best Stax headphone systen overall may be my SRD7sb/Lambda system-connected to my Rega Osiris integrared preamplifier.  My audio source is an OPPO205, connected to my Rega Osiris by a half meter pair of MG Audio Design ballanced interconnects.  What puts it over the top is that I have also included a one foot pair of top of the line MG Audio Design speaker wires between the speaker terminals of my Rega Osiris and the connecting wires from my Stax SRD7sb.  Yes, Ihave simply added a truly state pair ofspeaker wires between the Stax-Rega combinstion.  Oh yes, the speaker wires also sell for $900.  It is truly amazing how good a 30-39 year old pair of Stax headphones can still be state of the art today.  And considering any cost verses performance perameter, nothing else I know of comes close.
I must confess i did not read all the posts above but wanted to chime in on the addition of the BHK preamp.   i too ran direct from the DSD to the BHK amp and it was terrific.  however the addition of the preamp was a major improvement in sound.  everything just sounded easier and more effortless.  Paul is correct.  There is no preamp like no preamp unless it is a BHK preamp
I have a VAC Signature 2a SE preamp and a DSD, and read digital definitely sounds better through the preamp than direct into my VAC Phi 200 amplifiers