Ps Audio BHK preamp Vs ARC best preamps

Hello to everyone in this forum, I'm Mario from Venice, Italy and I'm a new member even if I read your posts since a lot of time.

First of all sorry for my written english, I will try to do my best.

I would like to know if anyone has been able to compare the BHK preamp with the best of ARC production and in my opinion this means with LS 22, LS 25 (both the versions...), Ref 3, Ref 5SE and so on.

Thank you for sharing  your impressions.

I must confess i did not read all the posts above but wanted to chime in on the addition of the BHK preamp.   i too ran direct from the DSD to the BHK amp and it was terrific.  however the addition of the preamp was a major improvement in sound.  everything just sounded easier and more effortless.  Paul is correct.  There is no preamp like no preamp unless it is a BHK preamp
I have a VAC Signature 2a SE preamp and a DSD, and read digital definitely sounds better through the preamp than direct into my VAC Phi 200 amplifiers
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So the verdict seems to be unanimous...

But this make me go back to my original enquiry: is the BHK preamp that good, especially matched to BHK power amps, or a (very good) preamp is always mandatory?

And a top Audio Research preamp is as good and mandatory as the BHK preamp with BHK power amps?
