How to STOP PayPal from consistent breaking and breaching privacy.

I’ve been using paypal to make purchases on parts mainly and the rest of business is mainly SELLING. One day I wasn’t able to purchase Sansui SR1080 turntable platter for $22 from eBay with red message to address issue with paypal.
After nearly 100 min on hold, a guy with Philippine accent as usually picks up phone and tries to ’resolve’ issue with smile asking me to provide personal information.
I advised FAST Philippino dude to SLOW DOWN and answer me what caused this problem. I learned that my previous purchases was averaging $5...6 and next purchase I tried to use $22 did not go through.
I explained that I’m NOT going to provide my personal information EVERY time I’d like to purchase goods in excess of $7 and unloaded my concerns LOUD to make CLEAR understanding and got my account back working.
If you’re doing business using paypal -- have few to several accounts linked to prepaid bank accounts only!

 This is quite common. I have not had any problems with Paypal but I have had problems with credit cards. If what you wish to purchase does not fit their profile of you, then they may declined your purchase.

I feel like busting a hefty class action with few thousands of angry folks claiming multiple breaches of privacy .
It is really disturbing when someone watches your spendings and fks you over from time to time in cycles 
Czarivay, I’m with you completely. The recent massive privacy breaches confirm the dangers you indicate. 
I have done over 100+ transactions with PayPal from $10.00 up to $7500.00 without ever a hitch.  I do have one of their business debit cards but only use it for shipping what I sold here.
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