“MQA is a philosophy”..John Stuart

Full quote- “In brief, MQA is a philosophy more than it’s ‘just a codec’. 
Your thoughts??
CJ, Cha-Ching. I'd prefer my money tho go in equipment, not on authentication software that takes care of 5% of degenerates who indulge in illegal copying, and a lot of the copying is not carried out by "civil" countries. Can I say that on this forum?

You need to chill my friend. If MQA bother you so much, find another avenue to channel your frustrations 😉

Peace out!
I still purchase vinyl, CDs and HiRez downloads for portability purposes. I am trying to grasp how this "portability" will work with MQA. I love listening to my AK240 with a 100 albums on it, (especially when I am stuck in hospital). Unless I can get decent WiFi in hospital (which I know from experience is terrible, like the food), I can't stream, so I need to use my AK. I wonder how MQA is going to get around this. (Bob can buy me a new portable that plays non streamed MQA :)
I think cj1965 and the other naysayers are the ones who are gullible and vulnerable to bad mouth anything that they cannot hear. They are probably in the same club that can’t hear a difference between cables/cartridges/amps/etc...  we all know that there are these types out there, we just need to ignore them.
I think cj1965 and the other naysayers are the ones who are gullible and vulnerable to bad mouth anything that they cannot hear.

But I can hear the difference as stated previously. Are you bad mouthing those who can hear the difference even as you cannot?