I understand the urge to find the one perfect cartridge for your system. Then you stop listening to the cartridge and enjoy the music. If the Delos distracts you with its high frequency energy then it is probably not the right cart for you. I have given up on finding the one right cart because I have found that my moods change too much. I love the Lyra house sound when I’m in the mood for high energy music. I recently sold my Delos for a used Atlas and found the later to have a more balanced but still high energy sound across the frequency spectrum. It gets all the information out of the groove. Also the image solidity and 3D soundstage improved dramatically, especially on the Mørch DP-8. On the other hand, when I’m in a different mood I turn to my other favorite cartridge, the Koetsu RSP on an FR-64S. That combination extracts a beautiful groove with PRaT! Both combos are amazing at what they do but do not sound the same. I like having the options. I would assume that this is why many of us have tables with more than one tonearm or in my case, easily swapable arms.