In need of some Amplifier advice. Is therereally any point in it with my current setup?

Hello. I have posted in the past, but have since learned a little bit more from reading audio forums, and doing some research and have come to somewhat of a juncture. 

I figure I could "stair step" up on my own and enjoy the ride, or, ask those who have most likely been where i am before and skip a few steps =). 

My current setup consists of a Yamaha adventage-A3070 AV receiver (150wattsx8ohms 2chd), and 2 Polk LSIM707 towers. 

I've been looking at used Classe amps here on audiogon, or possibly a new parasound Halo A21 power aplifier,  and have thought about purchasing them. 

My question is, would my Yamaha advantage 3070 even be a sufficient pre-amp? It has pre-outs for all channels, and it also has an ess sabre DAC for my digital flac files. Or would using the Yamaha as a pre completely destroy the sound of the power amplifier? Essentially wasting $1,000-$3,000. 

My other question is pretty obvious. Should I trade up, just spend the $1,000-$3,000 on better set of speakers I've been eye balling like  the EMT-LFT8s, and stick with the Yamaha receiver's power for now. 

If it were you. What would you do? 

If you can drive to Dallas, TX. , there is a Vandersteen dealer.
As 2psyop posted, try and audition as many speakers as you can. Once you find a 'sound' that sings to you, then you can start making decisions on the rest of the equipment.
Yamaha, if I recall, is a fairly neutral sounding amp. So, with 150 wpc, I think you have enough power for most speakers on the market.
I sent you a PM through the marketplace.  I'm in Arlington, TX, so not too far away.  I've got some ideas/advice, but I have many questions that would simply be easier via phone.
gdnrbob - its less about the power and more about control and noise floor.  IMO no receiver should ever be at the helm of a 2 channel system, though I completely understand why it is in this situation and can't fault it at all.  The package was a stellar deal.
@audiothesis I got your PM and we will talk soon. 

And normally no, that definitely wouldn't be at the helm of a system but at that package price, it was a no brainer for the time being! 
and @gdnrbob I agree. I do need to take some time and make a road trip to Dallas one weekend to audition tons, and tons, and tons, of different speakers that simply aren't available in my area to hear.