Cable Snake Oil Antidote

Some might find this Cable Snake Oil Antidote interesting with respect to LRC, the signal and the system.

Cables affect the sound and the effect is system dependent.

Another's opinion on a cable in a vastly different system may not be valid.

One man’s technical jargon is another’s facts about the magnetic behavior of wire, as explained by an electrical engineer. No harm in that knowing the basics, unless one harbors an irrational fear of commonly-agreed-upon facts, or a distrust of anything coming from any member of the professionally-recognized electrical engineering fraternity.

>>>>Geez, calm down. Commonly agreed on facts? Professionally recognized electrical engineering fraternity? Oh, please! The description of the magnetic behavior of wire and even the complete mathematical explanation of Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism do not necessarily help the curious audiophile decide which cable will sound best or which cable has the optimum geometry, gauge, dielectric or necessarily explain why one cable sounds better than another in a blind test.

Besides, even though practically everybody and his brother knows that current traveling through a wire induces a magnetic field nobody does anything about it. Well, almost nobody. There is only one person I know of who has addressed the induced magnetic field in cables. Let’s see if you can guess who that person is. 😛 All this technical fireworks does not advance the Great Cable Debate. I’m afraid the mystery remains. Oh, well. Anyone who wishes to get smart on electricity or electromagnetism or anything can Google it up on Wikipedia, for crying out loud.
Great Cable Debate
¿Que? There is no debate. Cables are system dependent.

Quoting Gareis "Speakers vary by design so their “back EMF” load into amplifiers varies. Amplifiers of differing design react to the back-EMF differently, and the overall performance can be hard to predict." [emphasis added]

Google it up on Wikipedia

Use a biased search provider to search a biased informational site that can be edited by anyone with no credentials what so ever?

BTW, I tried several Wikipedia searches for wire directionality and found nothing. Might be a worthwhile use of certain individuals' time...
A clever fellow can find a decent discussion of Cable directionality over on Audioquest’s web site and perhaps others. Controlling directionality of all their cables AND power cords seems to something Audioquest excels at. 
Yup. Controlling marketing spin and nonsense hype of all their cables and power cords seem to be what they excel at. It works too. Lots of gullible folks around. Of course only a clever fellow can see what beautiful clothes are worn by the emperor.
Whoa! What?! Hey, you call that a debate? Break me a give! Don’t you have an actual, you know, argument? This is your chance to show how smart you are, not how snarky and repetitive you are. Nothin’ new in there? Oh, well....