why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable

I have tried expensive cables and one's moderately priced. I would say there were some differences but I can't actually say the expensive cables were better. IMHO I believe a lot of people buy expensive cables because they don't actual trust their ears and are afraid of making a mistake. They figure the expensive cables are better for the fact they cost more. If you have a difference of opinion or share the same thoughts, I would like to hear about it.
Hey lets move this discussion out of the realm of audio, with all of those conspiracy theorists that are just trying to get you to spend money for obvious fullfery that no one can hear, obvious self hypnosis.

Lets look at steaks they all taste the same right? So your $11 Diner steak, is going to taste the same as a well aged Wegu Steak from Japan, or a well aged steak at $50 from Peter Lugars right. after all a steak is just a piece of cut up meat, therefore, they should all taste the same.

How about performance tires on a Porsche? A tire is just some steel belts encased in a rubber shell, so a $800 Pirelli P Z is going to perform the same way as a $200 Hankook on that Porsche right? Rolling resitance, or handling between two tires shouldn’t make a difference at speed right?

Or how about a bottle of ripple at $5 a gallon vs a fine $20 bottle of wine vs a $2,000.00 bottle? They will all taste the same right?

Lets draw that analogy into the relm of science, pour all three wines into a gass chromatograph and see what the readout says, H20, some organic compounds, a gass chromatograph can’t discern what tastes good, so the measurements theory is now thrown out the window, and how much differnence is the statisticual data when all three samples should be identical.

Shakespere summed it up perfectly, "there is more in heaven and earth then in your philosophy."

Sometimes experential data is the most helpful and relevant of all.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

Civilization has advanced over the last few centuries by applying rigorous standards to distinguish between nonsense and truth. Some audiophiles and their obscurantist merchants like yourself (I originally meant Geoff, but it seems Audiotroy wants to join that crowd)  have worked hard to stop that progress in the world of audio.
Civilization has advanced over the last few centuries by applying rigorous standards to distinguish between nonsense and truth.
And yet.....
Well, in advanced economies we have had a roughly 2% per capita growth of income over the last century or more, even though world population has increased enormously. We have more than doubled life expectancy, we have eradicated many chronic diseases, and we have increased levels of education enormously, just to mention a few metrics. And whereas the benefits of all this were originally limited to Western Europe and the US, this pattern is now extending more and more all over the globe.
All true. And yet we still have some of the highest income inequality among developed nations. Life expectancy has gone up for those making over $150,000 and remains stagnant for those who make under that amount. More people are rejecting vaccines. Health care is still viewed as a commodity and not a necessity. Science is being roundly rejected by a large portion of our country. Voodoo and superstition are being forced into some curriculum and claimed to be just as valid as the science being rejected. 

It seems that for that for every two forward steps we take, some take one step, if not more, backwards. We are a curious people. 

All the best,