I have used Beveridge model 2 with Jannis W-1 subwoofers. Also used the Double Quad with Decca ribben tweeters. Here I used Jannis W-1 subs,too. Beveridge RM-1/2 preamplifier.
These things sounded nise, but not the dynamics by far when you compare to the real thing.
After many systems later, I had the opportunity to get me a set S9800`s. When I put them into my system, I was so dissapointed that I started to cry.I had bought "The cat in the bag". This was much money for me, and difficult to sell in Norway. But, time went on, and I let the speakers " play " all day and nights for many months. LOUD!! I have a good music-room! Used sattelite radio for this purpose.
After about a year, after I had tried to sell many times- there was something happening!! The tweeters opened up much more, and the glass-sharpness dissapeared. The midrange came and a few weeks later the whole system sounded so different, I could nearly believe it. When my daughter came on a visit during the weekend at this time, she suddenly turned her head to me an said. Pappa, have you bough sub woofers, too, now? No, I replied. I told her what had happened sinse she was home the last time. After some time listening, she agreed that reprodused music like this, she had never heard before. I use ARC electronics, and that seems to do the job better then all other amps we have tried. Before I bought the S9800`s I had the M9500`s for a short time. I managed to sell them- this because I did not get the upper mid-lower tweeter range to sound good. Too sharp and edgy for me.You can find about my system and S9800`s in discussins on the internet, but sorry, I do not know where I can find it. They who have heard my system with the S9800`s, begins to laugh after a short time listening. This can not be true? I have never believed I could get the sound like this from a stereo- system! YES! YOU CAN.
Now the S9800 sound very, very good, indeed! I have listened to many systems around in my life, but none like the one I do have now: AND- the speaker system is JBL K2 S9800!
AND- I am just these days moving into my new listening room that is double the size of the old one. It has taken me nearly 3 years to build it. But, I know that I have here a very, very good room for the S9800`s.I am an engineer in electronics, and have built radio-studios, and made many recordings. Acoustics have allways interested me, too.