Upgrading speaker cables...

Currently, I have a Cambridge Audio CXR200 that has a bi-amp feature on it. I have 1 channel going to lows, and 1 to highs for each side. So, 2 pairs of cables for each side. 

I'd prolly have to go down the line on the cables if I had to buy 2 sets.... So, would I be better off with 1 set of nice cables with a set of jumpers, or 2 sets of lower down the line cables for them?

Reason I'm looking is, I have cheap cables currently, and was told a nice set of cables may open up my speakers (Wharfedale Reva-4 towers) and make them sound better. 

Thanks for for any help/suggestions! 
"...... you are better with one better set with jumpers than two pairs of a lesser cables...."

+1 ....Nailed it!

That is the best advice you will ever get in this thread...,full stop.

Wow some of these answers are crazy. Speaker cables and interconnects are important to your system. It's like saying different tubes do not make a difference. Cables are important but they have to match your system. I am a Magnepan owner and certain cables do not work well with them. I did a demo with Transparent and Nordost, both fine cables but one made my system anemic and the other was a little to thin in the bass. I ended up choosing Tara Labs and they made everything come together. If you don't think cables matter then go buy some radio shack brand and see how your components and speakers sound.


Post removed 
@elizabeth - you said 65k on your system but I find it hard to believe you would use a pair $125 speaker cable. Do you do 2 channel audio or is your 65k home theater? I have 15k Magnepans and roughly 25k in components and my cables including interconnects and speaker cable cost 14k. Not including power cords.  It just doesn’t make sense and I’m from the world that if it doesn’t make sense it ain’t true. No disrespect.
