potato potaoe, mqa has never made me tip my hat to it in all the times I've heard it.
Cheer George
Cheer George
erik, a couple of quick questions just out of curiosity: did you compare the MQA’d version of the track in Tidal, and how did you play the file for this (same) track, e.g., USB from computer, server via Ethernet connection, etc.? To be more objective, you should at least compare the tracks with the same 24/96 resolution. |
I am afraid this is getting derailed. I really did not want to talk about MQA per se, just this particular recording. Not really interested in doing any sort of A/B comparisons for you either. I just noticed that the redbook Not Too Late on Tidal doesn't sound as good as the Hi Res version and wondered if anyone else had this experience. Best, E |
There are 1 or 2 Norah Jones cd’s that had anti copyright info embedded in them, you couldn’t copy and burn them, I wonder if this is one of them and it screws with the purity of it. https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51XJBRFRCDL._SY355_.jpg https://img.discogs.com/XZvqMWuttNS8235z5X9M4sXffxk=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg)... Cheers George |