Cartridge for stock Technics 1200G tonearm

This TT has been out for quite awhile. Cartridge recommendations for the stock arm supplied with the 1200G would be appreciated.
the cadenza bronze sound great on the 1200g.  I am getting one.  The lower mids are beautiful and much better than the Lyra,it  is not tipped forward is pretty neutral with a slight hint of warmth.  might be a last cartridge.  lol. great tracker 
I think the Lyra would sound especially good through a tube phono preamplifier
@tzh21y No, Lyra would not sound good via a tube phono. You want to know what bright is? Listen to Lyra through the 6922 tube.
If if you want to stick to MC, I recommend Audio Technica ART9, or any van den Hul.
really....  I would think a warmer sounding phono tube pre would do wonders with this cartridge.  Not on a 1200G, maybe a VPI.  The cadenza sounded wonderful.  Great cartridge.