What's your favorite lyric from a song?

Just curious what stays with people...
"If you’ve got somebody -you can trust to the very end -I said if you do I want to be like you -’Cause you sure got a real good friend"
Grand Funk Railroad - In Need
When the spoon is hot
and the needle's sharp
and you drift away
Oooooo, I can hear you say

Temple of The Dog- "Times of Trouble"


From the Frank Zappa masterpiece Packard Goose below .

Information is not knowledge.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is THE BEST ,End Quote .

That sums up my life long love of music and the insanity we go thru to get the best sound possible .
James McMurtry - "Honey don't you be yelling at me when I'm cleaning my gun". Copper Canteen on Complicated Game.
"Cuz what they do in Washington
Iz looking out for number one
Number one ain’t you
You’re not even
"number two"."
Frank Zappa - You are what you iz
Frank sang this on SNL and was banned for life.