Lampizator evolution

3-4 years  ago, Lampizator DACs were all the rage and consumed a lot of space on this forum. Not so much today. What has happened?
The company now offers the Amber II model for just under $2;000. Did this DAC benefit from trickle down technology and become a great sounding, reasonably priced DAC?  Have any Lampi owners compared its sound to the earlier generations of Lampizator? Is the Amber II a no-brained purchase for someone (like me) wanting a killer DAC at a very reasonable price?
thankful, have you tried the Sablon usb?  I heard it works well with Lampi dacs.  Right now I am using the Audience Au24 SE, which is better than the Curious usb.
@rockyboy you can also add an external clock, like the ISO Regen to a dac. I think a good clock can improve the sound a lot.
Have you checked other dacs like the Soekris or Denafrips?
Thinking i’m Ok (well, with my new Amber I’m better than ok) Paid a little extra and got the super clocks. No never heard of Soekris and Denafris, but will google them today out of curiosity. You guys are amazing with your knowledge of all things audiophile. Just reading doak’s setup gave me a headache. I can ‘t imagine the systems you guys have. Tweaking is fun for me but my listening room is a stinker and investing a lot in tweaks at this point doesn’t gain me much. Yep, i’ll replace the fuse shortly but that may be it. We’ll see down the road if I can even justify the move up to an Aurender n100h. Got my taxes in the mail late yesterday so have some free time today and want to download a couple DSD selections from Hdtracks. Will be my first exposure to DSD. Will give you my impression. Also need to rip 25 cds I checked out from my local library yesterday evening.  Might rip a few as WAV (vs FLAC) just for chuckles. Regarding DSD, some reviewers panned the 5.6mhz DSD recordings and recommended the 2.8 instead. Can someone please explain in simple terms the diff between the two and why this would be the case? Thought the 5.6 was the “better” more desirable download. 
Quick update.....Extremely pleased with my Amber II. Have been busy converting vast majority of my FLAC files to WAV. The resulting sound quality on the Ambber is very impressive. I did however get out too far over my ski tips this past week. Since I now have a DSD capable Amber, I was anxious to hear one. So I purchased a DSD download from Acoustic Sound and then couldn’t figure out why i wasn’t getting any sound. Duh, I forgot that my Bryston player didn’t play DSD files. Well, my wife felt sorry for me and gave me her blessing on the purchase of an Aurender N100h. Should have it by next weekend. Said it before but this time I mean it. No more upgrades!I Well, maybe the fuses.  But that’s it. Oh, and maybe a batter usb cable down the road. And maybe a replacement for the Aurender’s stock power cord. But that’s all. And maybe a few more DSD downloads......

good on ya, was hoping you would appreciate the musicality of that DAC
......i use an Isotek cord..something like $299 at retail on mine, synergy good......