Mid-fi integrated tube amp advice

I've recently upgraded my 35 year old speakers and turntable to kef q900's and a dc carbon table with an ortofon red. 

I'm still running a 35 year old, mid market denon av amp butt have been looking at ss and tube amps with a budget around $1,000.

This just became available locally and I think I can get it for a bit less.

There's not a lot of info on it. Does anyone know of the amp that can give an opinion. I'm also very open to other suggestions.
Although I've had serious audiophile amps in the past, my system was running off a Yamaha Aventage RX-A 1020 home theater receiver the last 10 years.   It's actually pretty good for home theater purposes, but I instantly concluded the moment the first song was played through the Yaqin that I'm hearing these familiar songs for the first time in a decade. What I heard before was a shadow or reflection of what the artist intended.  The Yaqin was so much more musical, even right out of the box with zero break-in. The presence, the soundstage, the richness of tone are miles apart.   Air and instrumental separation I haven't heard in years.   Back in the day I had an excellent YBA Integre' and a pair of Epos ES-14's that really clicked on vocals.    The Yaqin and my recently acquired KEF Q100's brought me back to the qualities I so fondly remembered from that system.   If you are moving from an AV amp to a Yaqin like I did, you're going to be floored.
jimfoto congrats!!!
Don’t be in a big hurry to roll tubes..Give that amp about 20-30 hours before critical listening and I would check the bias often after it gets playing.....Give it plenty of breathing room,especially over the top...The volume knob gets pretty warm but mine never gave me a bit of trouble...
I look forward to a detailed update..I always love hearing about new converts first experiences like sbuckley above..
Yes it did! My apologies, I thought I had posted via mobile but I guess I never sent it and I was out of town for 10 days with no internet connection at all.

It arrived well packed and fairly quickly from Canada (from Tabnac on Ebay). I plugged it in and started playing records. My initial impression was that the mids were much more open and full, especially at lower volume levels than my 30 year old SS A/V amp. It has no trouble whatsoever driving my q900's to high volume levels. All those numbers and calculations seem pretty insignificant at this point. I've not yet set the bias, I've got faith that Tabnac at least checked it but it is on my list of things to do. I've got about 4-5 hours on it so far.

Soooo, quick shipping, well packed, high quality and sound that blew me away, especially with the clarity of the mids at lower volume levels. I couldn't be happier.

I do have a couple questions. I took the aluminum cage off and haven't put it back on. Does this help dissipate heat? What about the Lucite plates around the smaller tubes, do they dissipate or hold in heat? I don't care about looks, I'm only interested in heat dissipation to help preserve the equipment. The two front power tubes are leaning in slightly but appear to be well seated, is this normal? When the amp is "idling" with no music playing is it still burning in, or only when music is playing?

Thanks again for all your advice and helping give me the confidence to jump into an inexpensive Chinese amp.