Inexpensive Tube Amps

Anyone have any experience with the following?  I want to try one just to see how the sound compares to my Yamaha and Denon solid states.  Since the Denon is living on borrowed time I will likely have to replace it this year anyway.  Looking at the Nubsound and noted a Germtune that is identical to the Nubsound but costs a bit more.  Reviews are largely good including those on other forums.
In that price range, I would look for a lghtly used Sophia Electric Baby push-pull integrated, rated at 10wpc and runs in class A. Sounds glorious driving my back-horn loaded single driver speakers. 
So I've been following this thread, not much I can add but good info.  So here is my input and saw this" APPJ "  tube amp on Massdrop for $280..  don't know much about it...
As usual, I am late to the party but I will add my $0.02 worth: in general, I try to avoid cheap Chinese products.  Actually I avoid MOST products made in the PRC except for a few Hong Kong manufacturers.  This is not due to political issues (which I have in plenty) but from experience.  But YMMV...

IMO, the best Chinese made product I ever owned was the original Sophia Electric Baby amp - not the new MkII unit.  Sophia Electric is an American firm w/ Chinese partners.  This amp was quite good; 10W (more or less) and it sounded great with every monitor speaker I paired it with in my office.  There are still plenty of these amps available on the used market for about $300 or so.

Will62: I was on a similar search a few years ago for a tube amp  and checked out some of the same units You are considering.  I had some helpful communications with Garry Huang who owns Musical Paradise.  I believe he’s in Edmonton Canada.  I eventually brought his MP301; later bought some tube upgrades from him.  I have used  it with Omega 3i speakers for a few years without any problems.  A lot fun, and very good for acoustic/solo instruments.  The unit is very heavy, nicely finished, and quiet.  I think the quality control is very good.  A simple amp without any gimmicks.  
if they're made in China, I'd steer clear of them, cuz the transformers will probably give up in short order.  my friend bought one of those and listened to it for a little while, then sold it. his was a push-pull design and it sounded ok but somewhat on the bright side.