Cable Snake Oil Antidote

Some might find this Cable Snake Oil Antidote interesting with respect to LRC, the signal and the system.

Cables affect the sound and the effect is system dependent.

Another's opinion on a cable in a vastly different system may not be valid.
Aczel figured out what Uber Skeptics wanted to hear and gave them an earful. 👂🏻He almost certainly purloined the 10 Biggest Lies in Audio from any number of audio forum discussions, kind of like ones right here on these pages. Take your pick. If there was a Troll hierarchy Aczel would be the Supreme Grand Wizard.
Peter Aczel (The Audio Critic) did not prostitute himself to the manufacturers as the reviewers then and NOW do! The other reviewer that deserves respect from that era is Peter Moncrieff (International Audio Review). Both TAC and IAR should be required reading for posters on this thread!
Peter Aczel (The Audio Critic) did not prostitute himself to the manufacturers as the reviewers then and NOW do!
Do you have any specific examples of this, or do you think all audio reviewers prostitute themselves?

Everyone here prostitutes themselves to something.

Innocence and any associated righteousness is a projected dream, not a reality.

Somehow... degrees, desires and personal aspects of shading and indignation, as in: emotions (making decisions about logic models in the mind)....somehow come to the forefront and paint pictures in our minds. And those pictures somehow go from logic, understanding, and shading, into black and white ’facts’.

Generally it is so bad, that someone will probably find fault in what I post, here, and find a way to label it... so they can paint it in a black and white fashion -and then rankle and rail at it in print. This is the essence of every second or third post on most of these forums, across the world.. in just about any given subject area.

Human flaws, and the recognition of the human flaw. But the flaw does not want to be seen, so it rides in the mind, silently, coloring everything that might enter conscious musing, even one’s own beating heart and breathing. In the bones, even. Scary mortality, and the mind’s reality of dealing with itself. The voice in your head isn’t you, it’s your mind collating the muse and presenting, in a body shaped/originated echo chamber loop feedback verbalization 'externalization/communication' system. (ego function is tied to this) Hypnosis works as it interrupts the loop.

Essentially, very few people stay in the world of science and theory (as that would be uncomfortable) and they never stay in the world of science and theory when they get into things they have little data on, and are emotionally invested in. Like science and music. Humans ’factualize’, as it is how we get ourselves around, in our mental constructs and other core mental function.

Not logic, but human minds dealing with logic. The two are not the same. There is a huge difference between the two, in any form of logical analysis of the ideals and realities of science.

For example, we can say one thing out of hundreds, that can set your mind off, into blocking logic. In this case, we will take Elon Musk’s contention that this place is not a base reality and is a simulacrum, on some fundamental level. What he says is true and the odds of him being wrong, are a few billion to one. Can you negotiate that? Millions of people have negotiated this to some degree. But it is.. difficult. Since it is at logic limits for pretty well everyone here, negotiation of it...involves the recreation of the calculating device to a higher level. It requires reformation of the mind. Thus, to tear down emotional fundamentals about reality and rebuild into the new. Negotiating one’s own mental death and part of the process.

You won’t go there.... your mind will reject it, and you’ll forget it by the time you rise and step away from reading this forum today. Even though it is true and if you ruminated on it deeply and all the time, you would find a way out of this mess humanity is in. The same monkey that is in humans will block it and move you way from thinking about it. The same monkey that has a person making poor and illogical posts about some other person who is in the same boat.

Thus, (a minimum of) two pathetics --screeching about nothing? Beating each other with sticks built entirely out of ridiculousness?

Careful, don’t have an ’emotional’ response, as that will kill logic before it even begins to form.

It doesn’t matter how a 1 or a 0 is represented on a CD. Only that two states can be accurately decoded and that some built in error correction (extra info like a parity bit or checksum) further ensures accuracy of decoding.

This might be a stretch for you but the concept of digital audio does not actually require a CD to come inscribed with arabic numerals on it. Your personal computer hard drive or SSD also doesn’t have Arabic numerals inscribed on the memory storage.