Cable Snake Oil Antidote

Some might find this Cable Snake Oil Antidote interesting with respect to LRC, the signal and the system.

Cables affect the sound and the effect is system dependent.

Another's opinion on a cable in a vastly different system may not be valid.

OK cj, since you're not a troll and your intentions are good... just one more post...

I made a very general statement that cables cannot improve the signal, only degrade it.  I think I said that the cable can only damage the signal or lose it.  All of what you've been writing is valid & true.  It all falls under 'damage' to the signal.  I didn't think it was necessary to 'get into the weeds' in some general, practical, advice on choosing cables. 

Really cj, this is just nit-picking. I still believe my advice was quite sound.  And really, you DO come across like a troll - personal attacks and all. Go back and re-read yourself.

Aczel took himself WAY too seriously. He was also a little too fond of attacking other critics personally, in what I found to be an obnoxious, self-righteous manner. He seemed to a stranger to joy, happiness, and humility. A very bitter, negative person, it seemed to me. Upon reading that, he would ask to see my psychology degree.
Aczel figured out what Uber Skeptics wanted to hear and gave them an earful. 👂🏻He almost certainly purloined the 10 Biggest Lies in Audio from any number of audio forum discussions, kind of like ones right here on these pages. Take your pick. If there was a Troll hierarchy Aczel would be the Supreme Grand Wizard.
Peter Aczel (The Audio Critic) did not prostitute himself to the manufacturers as the reviewers then and NOW do! The other reviewer that deserves respect from that era is Peter Moncrieff (International Audio Review). Both TAC and IAR should be required reading for posters on this thread!
Peter Aczel (The Audio Critic) did not prostitute himself to the manufacturers as the reviewers then and NOW do!
Do you have any specific examples of this, or do you think all audio reviewers prostitute themselves?