What would be considered high capacitance in, say a 10' speaker cable?
Would you change your amp selection knowing...?
OK - so this thread was promted by some comments on another thread - not wanting to hijack that thread I created this one...
ISSUE: some high current designed amps have an issue with speaker cables that have a high capacitance.
- the amp can be driven to self destruction because of internal oscilation caused by the high capacitance of the speaker cable
- this does NOT apply to Tube amps - i.e. to my knowledge
The amps I know of that are affected in this way are Ayre, Gryphon and NAIM
- only NAIM warns of this up front AND instruct their dealers to let customers know about it
So why don’t other brands warn about the possibility?
- would it put you off?
- would you select a different amp if the manufacturer warned of this "issue" up front?
ISSUE: some high current designed amps have an issue with speaker cables that have a high capacitance.
- the amp can be driven to self destruction because of internal oscilation caused by the high capacitance of the speaker cable
- this does NOT apply to Tube amps - i.e. to my knowledge
The amps I know of that are affected in this way are Ayre, Gryphon and NAIM
- only NAIM warns of this up front AND instruct their dealers to let customers know about it
So why don’t other brands warn about the possibility?
- would it put you off?
- would you select a different amp if the manufacturer warned of this "issue" up front?
- ...
- 62 posts total
A few Cardas cables can be pretty high... http://www.cardas.com/clear_sp.php This one is 278 pf / foot x 10 = 2780 pF for a 10 ft cable- that's pretty high This is probably their highest capacitance cable By comparison - The Van den Hul D352 is 32.5 pF / meter. so that's about 100 pF for a 10 ft cable Don't let that put you off Cardas - some of their cables are much lower At least Cardas makes the capacitance of their cables knowm - which makes me think they are aware of the issue - and feel the audiophile should know about it Many companies do not Regards - Steve |
Speaker Cable:Hello Steve - I copied the above from the Blue Jeans site. I wonder if their, "...barring a really odd design, which may introduce various undesirable effects...." is tacit acknowledgement of the oscillation risk you raise (among other things, I suppose). In reply to your original question, knowing an amp was susceptible to high capacitance induced oscillation would not put me off from buying that amp (assuming it was desirable to begin with) BUT I would certainly exercise care with the speaker cables attached to it. Thanks for the Cardas info. By contrast to the high capacitance number for their Clear spkr. cable I note their Parsec cable is 30 pf/ft. If bi-wiring, how would these capacitance numbers work...simply additive? or something else?? Anyone have an idea about capacitance of the Clear Day Double Shotgun speaker cable? Thanks again. |
If bi-wiring, how would these capacitance numbers work...simply additive? or something else??Parallel doubles capacitance and halves inductance and resistance. Bi-wiring separates the load into two parts. Response for each part differs from a single drive. Don't know a thing about Clear Day and they provide no technical information. From reading their information, it seems their product comes from 'messing about' and may be very specific or just generic. Solid core will be stiff. Price seems too low for pure silver of a reasonable gauge, say 18. That's about 4oz of pure silver ~$65. 18ga solid silver hookup wire is about $9/ft. 32 feet for two 8' runs is ~$288. Add in connectors, heat shrink and labor and the price is too low. |
- 62 posts total