It was several years ago now, and the firm was a random "capital asset disposition" firm in Silicon Valley, whose name I do not recall. What I do recall was that I trolled Ebay for months in search of active vibration isolation tables, and then I stumbled on these that were somehow improperly classified or mis-named, and they had no bids on them. So, I snapped them up for almost nothing. That is the path that worked for me.
It was several years ago now, and the firm was a random "capital asset disposition" firm in Silicon Valley, whose name I do not recall. What I do recall was that I trolled Ebay for months in search of active vibration isolation tables, and then I stumbled on these that were somehow improperly classified or mis-named, and they had no bids on them. So, I snapped them up for almost nothing. That is the path that worked for me.