LS-50 Speakers (Passive)

No matter where I and a friend reads, most people are raving about the Kef LS-50’s (passive version).   However, sadly, neither one of us have heard them with no local dealer.  The best would be to evaluate them in our respective rooms as the room accounts for about 1/3 of the sound.

Moreover, I recently heard that the new LS-50’s ((passive) are not the same as the originals as Kef tried to save some money.  Is there any truth to this rumor?  I certainly hope not so I thought I throw it out there and see the response I get.

Thanks for your input....
I don't think the LS50s have changed.  KEF tries to save money like every other manufacturers: by achieving economies of scale.
What I believe is that the new Q150s are very close to the LS50s.  So the initial LS50 development investment will continue to pay off for years to come.
By the way, the LS 50s are outstanding in the midrange and up - outstanding soundstage and imaging - a great speaker, unique.
I have the ELAC UB5s now, replacing the LS50s.  The Elacs are somewhat a me too product, outstanding for the money, very close to the LS50s, but not as refined imho.  However, the bass (quality, evenness) on the ELAC is absolutely way better than on the LS50s...
So take your pick... a matter of taste.
You don't have to "take your pick" if you use the LS50s with a pair of subs.  I highly recommend something like the Velodyne SMS-1 bass manager that provides acoustic room correction for subs and is helpful for integrating the LS50s with the subs.

db, you may be right, but with bass management as you say.  I personally like to let the main speakers play what it was designed to play.  In other words, I crossover to my sub naturally at the point where the mains can't no longer output, and keep the use of the sub to a minimum.