Pre-ringing is certainly unnatural and contrived. Whether it is audible depends on the amplitude and the quality of the system IME. Post-ringing is natural and expected if a system is not critically damped. Certainly better to minimize it though.
I have heard several DAC’s at shows that were touting their apodizing filters, which virtually eliminate pre-ringing, but always at the expense of adding higher amplitude post-ringing. Never liked the sound of any of them. I believe I can hear the post-ringing.
The more important aspect of impulse and step response of a DAC IMO is whether the impulse actually achieves the maximum amplitude or not. This is my problem with Jon Atkinsons impulse measurements in Stereophile reviews. The impulse plot never shows the amplitude scale. I suspect that the power subsystems of most DACs don’t allow the impulse to get to full amplitude.
The Overdrive SE and SX DACs do. The power subsystem is instrumental in achieving this and this is what sets some DACs apart from others. Here are some plots of the Overdrive SE. The SX is even better.
The 96K plot is with the digital filter set for 192. I can manually select them on the Overdrive DAC.
Steve N.
Empirical Audio