similar speakers

In my opinion A'gon is missing an opportunity in not having a "similar items" or "people who looked at this also considered" capability like Ebay or Amazon. So, for example, if I am looking for B&W 803 Diamond speakers, they could recommend similar performance speakers that are available.
A'go used to be kool, just a bunch of "philes swapping this and that.
Now its a shark tank with submit your card and bow-down to the Great God PayPAL as you jump thru this hoop and that.
My A'gon buys are coming to an end.
It would be nice if audiogon could provide ANY useful information or metrics other than blue book equipment prices (worthwhile to buy when one is considering dropping big bucks on anything here)that might help people navigate through all the noise one might encounter here. I suppose the model here is to just ride the audiophile wave, not influence or affect it in any way.
I see a lot of audiophiles, here and on the Audio Asylum whining about Audiogon. If it is so bad, why are you all still here? I have built an awesome system because of Audiogon. I could never have afforded it if I paid retail and I have made a lot of friends in the process.

So what if they now charge more money to post the ad? Everything I have posted here sold within the first 3 days and I have never run into any problems. They are here to make money and we are here to either upgrade components or talk about high end audio. I have found that you can usually get the person to come down on their price of the item, so why bitch about the few extra bucks that Audiogon charges? Can't we all play nice?