Corelli - really????

I read the 6 moons review on this but I still have a hard time believing this can improve a system.  Anyone have any experience with these?
Hi everyone. I use an Akiko Triple AC Enhancer in the same outlet that feeds my power conditioner and use an Akiko Tuning Stick in an outlet on the conditioner. You think if I added another Triple AC Enhancer to the conditioner I would be getting towards Corelli territory? (They do seem to be cumulative.)  Also, what power cords seem to work best with the Corelli? Thanks.
@sbayne I can’t speak to your first question, however, regarding the power cords, I think the best approach is to test with what you already have.

Akiko Audio pairs the Corelli with their own Powercord HQ Gold, which may be worth considering if you are comfortable with the OEM’s choice with their unit.
@sbayne regarding your question about using multiple Akiko Triple Enhancers getting you the same benefits as using a Corelli, the answer is absolutely no.  The Triple Enhancer only addresses noise on the ground plane, where the Corelli addresses noise on all three planes.  The effect of the Corelli is immediately positive.
As far as what power cord to use, the Inakustik is 'the' power cord to use.  After experimenting with multiple power cords, the Inakustik simple brought out the best of the Corelli.  Other were just ok, but the Magic was music more evident using the Inakustik.
@louisl - Thanks. The Akiko products are interesting. I've been messing with them in different places in my system. I now have a Triple Enhancer, Tuning Stick and E-Tuning Gold MK II all on the same circuit by using a power outlet extender. The effect is much better than disturbing them on seperate circuits. I may still try a Corelli once I raise the funds. I haven't used a Inakustik power cord which I'll try to check out as well.